The video shortly introduced one of the most popular meykhana performers in Azerbaijan, Agamirze, born in 1962, who inherited the ability to perform meykhana from his uncle, Agasalim Childaq.
Ahmad Mukhtar
Author's stories
Generation of the 1990s
The ‘90s - A Time Of Releasing Meykhana From “Soviet prison”
Abutab Aliyeva, 63, Maguli Okropiridze, 52, and Seda Chagharyan, 69, live in different countries in the South Caucasus but today, in the post-conflict period of this war-torn region, they all face the same challenge: for the last 30 years these women, who all live near conflict zones, have lived in constant fear for the security of their families.
Women across the conflict lines
For communities outside the capital, a simple journey can mean hours of delays and discomfort.
Urban Development