Since the late ‘80's and early ‘90's, on the outskirts of Yerevan, in one of the buildings of the former boarding school, now the Centre for care of patients with mental disorders "Dzorak", several families of Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan live. The decade of the 1990s was near fatal to their lives, which came to a standstill in a very grave situation, similar to the name of the site itself, called ‘the Turtle gorge’.
Oksana Musaelyan
Oksana Musaelyan, is a freelance journalist. She has been investigating on the identity and belonging of refugees over many years of evolution that was first initiated as a result of her own personal experiences of being a refugee from Azerbaijan. During the pogroms, her family was held captive and marked for execution. Through various circumstances, they escaped and fled Baku for Armenia in January, 1990. Chevening Scholar of 2013-2014, MA in International Studies at Goldsmiths University of London. She is a resident of the same Center.