WHY FREEDOM? - open call for filmmakers
Friday, 10 February 2023
THE WHY FOUNDATION is a non-profit media organization that supports sustainable development by securing free access to reliable information for millions of people around the world.
In a brand-new series of thought-provoking WHY documentaries, the main question will be: WHY FREEDOM? With democracy and individual freedoms under threat, and increasing differences in our understanding of what freedom is, WHY FREEDOM? will set the agenda and tell the most important stories to a global audience.
Through six documentary films and a multi-media campaign, The WHY will explore the best freedom stories the world has to offer.
Film can be already in production, in development or a good idea with special access. The proposal should be no more than two pages long and include the following points:
- What is your story about?
- Who are your main characters?
- Why is your story relevant for a global audience and how does it relate to freedom?
- Do you have footage with the central cast?
- Who is the filmmaker?
- What are your previous films?
Selected projects need to be ready for broadcast and streaming at the end of 2025.
Send your application to whyfreedom@thewhy.dk.