Controversial Water

Author: Ilkin Hasanov


The Sarsang water reservoir is Adgara region’s highest reservoir and it has been under the control of Armenian military forces since the end of the conflict in Nagorno Karabakh. Built in 1976 on the Terter river, the reservoir provided irrigation water to six Azerbaijani regions - Tartar, Agdara, Barda, Goranbor, Yevlakh and Agjabadi.  Since the end of the war, access to the water reservoir has been blocked during the dry summer months, hence depriving people of essential water supply.  The channel flowing into Azerbaijan-controlled territory is closed during the summer, but open in spring and autumn where the combination of usually heavy rains and water from the reservoir causes frequent floods.

The situation affects 130 communities, for a total of 500,000 people. Fazil Bayramov is one of them .


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